We harvested our first Tardivo di Treviso radicchio.

It's been a long time coming. And a lot of hard work and patience. But today we harvested our first Tardivo di Treviso radicchio. This experiment started in the spring when we planted several beds of this traditional Italian winter “green” not knowing if it would work or not. Carefully tended all summer it was harvested in the early fall, the top of the plant cut off and the precious roots cleaned and stored away in the cooler for four months. A little over three weeks ago, with fingers crossed, we cracked open the crates of roots, carefully trimmed each gnarled root and placed them in potting soil kept warmed to the precise temperature and then plunged them into darkness, hoping they'd forgive our lack of experience and send forth their beautiful squid like shoots. Today we discovered them in all their glory. On the menu now@theroyalhotelpictonwhile they last.